Magalcom provides a wide range of technical support services for our clients. Our support is managed by a central assistance center comprising of a team of experienced employees. The center monitors and maintains our customers systems.

How to approach the support team

Magalcom is fully equipped to support its customers within short reaction times. If you are one of our customers and you need support, please choose one of the following options:

  • 24x7x4 – some of our customers have service agreements based on a 7 day week, 24 hours a day and 4 hours response time
  • Response time – this ability is based upon a full logistic setup with spare parts for every customer with service agreement, and upon technicians and networks managers on the alert. These employees stand at the disposal of our customers who have a critical service agreement
  • A SOS system is another added value service provided by the technologies department in Magalcom. The SOS system creates a virtual help-desk in the organization, improves the communication and expedites reporting, care and network errors follow-up processes